September 28, 2011


Most of time, the main women's role have been to be a good wife, mother and a homey female. The typical woman, who only works taking care of children and doing housework is falling behind. Nowadays and throughout of history, women have started to be recognized in different ways. The women can work out of the house and still being a good mom and wife. And roles in the home are being sharing with the couple. For this reason, now is most common see women as opinion leaders. One of the important topics where women nowadays are starting to be protagonist is in Politics. Here, we are going to review roughly the political participation of Brazilian Women, and how they are increasing their participation throughout the years.

Women were discriminated a lot of years in the Brazilian History. One of the reasons, because of men thought that women were the weak gender. And because males thought too that political issues are only for men. But women showed the opposite. Everything changed when in Getúlio Vargas' government in 1932, women achieves the right to vote. From then on, women could postulate to political charges. In the 1933 elections, was choosen the first woman to work in the Parliament as deputy. She was Carlota Pereira de Queirós. Little by little women started to be protagonist of the Brazilian Political System. But in despite of that, political women in Brazil still are the minority.

According to the pollster, Fabrícia Pimenta, professor of Brasília University, in a interview made by Tathiana Barbar to "Folha Online", said that "women suffer from prejudice". She explained too that the main difference between women and men in Political issues is "the pattern of politic socialization, the institutional rules and the state structure of cultural codes". Pimenta mentioned that nowadays, the feminist movements are fighting for the equity. For this reason now is obligatory that in the politics campains the candidates include females issues to catch more votes.

A sample of that and an important fact in the brazilian government, is that the new President of the country is a woman. Her name is Dilma Rousseff.
Dilma Rousseff is economist and she helped in the last government of Brazil with Mr. Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva who brought her to the Presidency. She is politically active in the "Party of Workers" and she won the last elections with a 56%.
She is the first woman that get this position in the Brazilian History and she had other positions in others periods of government.

As a conclusion, women are winning land in political issues in Brazil and over the world according to an article writing by Carlos Brazil to Universia Brazil.
Germany, Liberia, Chile and Brazil now, have had women presidents.
He propose that the world is every time better prepared and open to accept women in the leadership. This is a huge advance.
And finally, rebranding words that Michelle Bachelet said long time ago, the Special Secretary of Women Politics from Brazil, said "when a woman enter in politics, the woman change; when many women enter in politics, the politics change".

Brazil, a sensational country!

Important information about Brazil

Country: Brazil

Capital: Brasília

Location: South America

Oficial Language: Portuguese

Largest City: São Paulo

Government: Federal Presidential Constitutional Republic   

President: Dilma Rousseff

Population: 190.755.799 (census 2010)

Men: 93.406.990

Women: 97.348.809